Wednesday, June 1, 2011

$3.00 Million Wedding costs and rumors of Clinton daughter Chelsea

$3.00 Million Wedding costs and rumors of Clinton daughter Chelsea:  Chelsea Clinton, the daughter of former United States President Bill Clinton and present US foreign minister Hilary  Clinton have got the married with fiancé Marc Mezvinsky.The former first daughter Chelsea' $3.00 Million Wedding costs have been now a claimable issue. But  is  is considered a completely rumor coming to the wedding of the First Daughter on Saturday.

Now, it is the burning questions as well as a juiciest rumors to everybody on the head to the big celebration of the United States in recent time. There is a comment on the Wedding cost that is could  really be cost of $5 million.

Many sources disclosed it to the media and to bride's parents. Although Clinton couple are paying for the wedding cost  but a claim of a wedding budget between $3.00 million to $5.00 million  is not really reflexive. But the couple are ignored about the criticism. A family friend  reliably told that the wedding cost must not  exceed $6 millions. It's a rumor and humor and pathetic matter to all. Anyway, Chelsea and Marc Mezvinsky have been chained with a best relationship.

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